May 24, 2007

Is This A Steelers Blog Or A Browns Blog?...

Actually, there's no question there, but I do find myself very often writing about the Browns...course, I don't know if I'd call it "writing" so much as dumping on them for being, well, the Browns. Today's no different.

So Charlie Frye says he'll be Cleveland's starter come September. Not that it matters, because whatever QB they put on the field September 9th is bound to get beaten every way imaginable, but it's interesting that no one is refuting his statements. By the powers of inference, I can only take this to assume that the Browns are actually doing the smart thing and letting Brady Quinn spend some time on the bench watching the game, developing at a more natural pace. Either way, both QBs apparently looked pretty rough in these initial practices, throwing picks-a-plenty and generally looking shaky. Nothing new here...

Man it's tough to find stuff to comment on in the off season...anyone got any pressing news they wanna contribute? (Or is it foolish to assume anyone besides me will read this?)

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