May 24, 2007

Najeh Davenport (S)Hit And Run...

Not sure how this nugget (pun intended) slipped through the cracks when the Steelers acquired Najeh Davenport last season (maybe it didn't and I just never heard), but apparently a while back (2002), Davenport snuck into a Barry University dorm room and shat in a woman's closet (see story here).

Boy do I wish we knew which woman's closet Najeh dropped his doozer in...

There's even an entire blog named after the incident. AND What's even better is that today they broke a story about a Cincinnati man and son tandem who discovered recently that their punching bag was filled with dirty laundry rather than the customary sand usually found in punching bags. Further reinforcing our theory that Ohio sucks and Cincinnati is a source for paranormal activity due to the fact that they put Cinnamon in their chili.

Either way, I never knew Najeh Davenport was a stealth bomber. Learn something new everyday, eh? Figures, since he's a product of "the U" (Miami aka Thug U). Class act that Najeh Davenport. My question is, where was Ray Lewis when Najeh got clipped?

1 comment:

D. C. said...

I have heard that before, and my buddies and I joke that he is Bettis's replacement - We had a Bus, now we have a Dump Truck!