May 31, 2007

DUI, Dog Fighting, Defenses on the Decline, oh my...

Could I have come up with a more poetic title??? Yeah, probably, but it's 4PM and my intellectual capacity is at about 48%, so that's the best I can give you.

Anyways, check out the links below for a good time.

  • Prosecutors considering offer in McNair DUI case...offer = one autographed copy of Steve McNair's "How to Choke in The Playoffs 2006 Edition"

  • Everybody's out to get Ron Mexico man...I just want to raise this question: how reliable are informants who are involved in fighting dogs? Seems like a pretty sleeze activity if you ask me, I wouldn't trust 'em further than I could throw 'em...I'd actually just indict Vick on account of the fact that he's obviously a scumbag.

  • Hey Mark Cuban, remember the XFL? Don't do it dude, don't go down that road...PS - Isn't this what Arena Football is? And NFL Europe? And the CFL? I think we're all covered Mark but thanks anyways. Here's a tip - if you want to make an impact somewhere, buy the Pirates...

  • Tampa Two on the decline...umm, guess no one told Mike Tomlin...?

  • I'll never get tired of people calling stuff "bush league"...

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