August 16, 2007

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Outside...

Or watch the Super Bowl pre-game and halftime business...Ryan Seacrest inserts himself into the action. The American Idol host, and perhaps the most annoying person on the face of the earth, is allegedly going to be handling the hosting duties for Super Bowl XLII's pre-game and halftime extravaganzas.

Obviously this is a perfect fit...because the demographic that watches American Idol is sure to watch the Super Bowl...err...not. Guess I won't be watching that crap again this year. Why do they even have all those frills anyway? I'll admit I was entertained by the whole Janet Jackson, Justin Timberlake breast exposure, but beyond that, these have been utterly nap-inducing. Then again, that could be the 8-10 beers I consume between kickoff and halftime...

I guess maybe next they'll have people texting their votes in for who THEY want to win the Super Bowl. Dial 9856-01 for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Dial 9856-02 for the Washington Redskins, Dial 9856-03 to vote PacMan Jones for President, Dial 9856-04 to kill yourself...oh that Ryan Seacrest is a silly bitch.

Sign of the Apocalypse - August 16, 2007.

PS - you'd be amazed by the abundance of doctored Ryan Seacrest images available on this here interweb...and yet I totally leached the one Deadspin used...what can I say, I'm a dick.

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