December 11, 2008

Things I Would Totally Buy For $1000...

What you don't know is that Franco just caught that pizza off of Frenchy Fuqua's helmet...

Question is - Why, oh why, did they ever stop making this? Or did they, even?


big TC said...

mmmmmmm Franco's Cheese pizza


Anonymous said...

I love it! I love these oddball steeler endorsed food products. I search the condiment aisles everytime I go to Giant Eagle hoping to find a ketchup bottle or bbq sause with Steelers on it.

Just two days ago I was walking by the freezer section and saw some strange frozen sticky buns with Hines Ward on one box and MAX STARKS on another. Amazing!

Mmm, I might have to go eat a bowl of Tommy Gun Flakes.

Noah said...

I don't know, if I found a box of anything food with Max Starks on it, I would have to question the soundness of the object. It might have let harmful material come in.....

domski43 said...

big ben's turnovers are my favorite