April 23, 2007

Just so you know...

I'm not dead...just had to take a few days off from writing. I was on vacation down in Gator country last week and since I've been back, actual work has amassed that I have to tackle before I can wax philosophical about all the latest Steeler news (which ironically there has been a decent amount of).

But the good news is, I will be at the draft on Saturday and plan on trying to keep things up to date as the news unfolds. Of course, you could probably just watch it on TV, but what would be the fun in that?

Here's some links in case you crave light reading -

That's all for now...hopefully my head will surface once or twice more this week and I can spend some quality time with my thoughts on these stories and all the latest Steeler news.

Cheers and enjoy the links (for now)!

PS - no more chili for Max Starks...maybe we should use Campbell's Chunky as a motivator...?

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