The wait is over
The photoshop is done
I'm somewhat exhausted
But the battle's been won
Ok, you know you something's really gone awry when you start writing bad poetry to introduce Meeting People Is Easy.
That'll teach me NOT to write down the first thing that pops into my head.
Anyways, after a somewhat extended respite, the great MPIE has made a triumphant return. And with it, comes several new panelists with whom you may or may not already be familiar.
They are (in order of appearance)...
1. DrinkYourMilkshake ~ The man responsible for Behind The Steel Curtain's Daily Six Pack, the brain trust behind yesterday's emotionally disturbing photoshop of AQ Shipley and Kraig Urbik spooning, and an all around exemplary individual. Oh yeah, and I heard he did a mean rendition of Beastie Boys at karaoke last night. Send video if you have it. Follow this crazy asshole on Twitter, here.
2. laclips ~ The illustrious editor of This Is Getting Old, a big time Pens, Pirates and Penn State fan, and a fellow music lover. Anyone who has the foresight to use the Pearl Jam dude as their avatar is +1 in my book. Follow this pinball wizard on Twitter, here.
3. Kristin ~ The editor of KB Toys With..., a rabid Eagles fan, and yet, miraculously, also my girlfriend. She may have an unhealthy obsession with Brian Westbrook, but I take solace in the fact that I'm a solid eight inches taller than that joke (ok, like four...but who's counting?). And hey, at least she's not a Ravens fan. Plus, she's insanely cute and consistently makes me laugh. So I'm willing to overlook her misguided fandom...Follow the yin to my yang on Twitter, here.
In addition to our MPIE rooks, you'll also read comedic stylings from the likes of...
The inimitable - John Woods
My go-to political commentator - Grumpy
The Octomom's #1 hater - Tiny350Z
My brother in the bonds of old school Metallica love - Steve
The soon to be half marathon king - Marc
You may also know him as Maticulous - Matt
Possibly MPIE's greatest supporter (or perhaps apologist) - Noah
Apparently he's kind of a big deal in Taiwan - Sean
I think he might be a Pens fan but I can't be sure - Tecmo
And, of course, my dumb ass
So, I believe all that's left is for you to read this week's panel's answers to this week's burning questions.
Which I urge you to
And enjoy!

I have to admit, I can't really count this post among my better work...
Whatever, wake me up when it's time for happy hour...I'll meet you all at the bar.
Oh yeah, and this stays...

Obligatory Footer - If you haven't already, become a fan of OFTOT on Facebook, join the blog network and follow me on Twitter. Or don't. Your choice, really.
Nice pick with the Soul to Squeeze mention, Marc. Haven't listened to that joint in quite some time.
Amazing how bands from SoCal have an uncanny ability to write songs that play well in the Summer...
Actually, speaking of...
I could've pretty much put any Blink song in there too.
Hey, Matt & I agree on cookies.
I don't know this "sean" fella, but I will also be at the Celebrate Fairfax festival jamming to Blues Traveler, although the thought of me @ a Naughty By Nature concert is the whitest thing ever.
Drinkyourmilshake, is that an Arrested Development quote in the first answer??
I almost picked Caress Me Down as well. Good showing everyone, best MPIE in a while.
yes, yes it is an arrested development quote. I was hoping somebody would pick up on that!
grumpy ~ And you KNOW I concur! Give me mint milanos or give me death!
drinkyourmilkshake ~ You need to get in touch with your inner blackness. And what better way to do that than to go see Naughty By Nature live?
marc ~I agree! I was cracking up reading everyone's answers. Caress Me Down is a classic. I also am partial to "Get Ready." Solid jam.
Dr. Funke is either at the nevernude conference in Stockholm. (I couldn't attend so I teleconferenced in), or busy helping some of his clients as the world's greatest analrapist.
Yes, this is my second go around at posting, as it was so kindly pointed out that despite my being a professional writer, I had a grammatical error which needed rewriting. Anyways, here we go again:
MPIE was really good this time around, and not just because I was in it :)
Caress Me Down IS a classic.. what do you think it's about?
DYM, anyone who quotes arrested development is alright by me. I posted on twitter yesterday "I've made a huge mistake" to which no one understood. Where is Dr. Tobias Funke when you need him? (I think you were right about the nevernude conference - think he mentioned it on twitter last week..)
Since you deleted your first post, I have now answered your question 7 minutes before you posted it. I am awesome. I am a mind-reader.
Nice work Cotter! And great showing for MPIE this time around.
That's it. Nothing funny from me.
Btw... Octomom is now saying that Kate (J&K+8) is crazy. Wha?
Bradley Nowell > Your Mom
Grumpy, we are awesome.
There are loads of approval for the thought bubble that precedes MPIE.... why hasn't this been mentioned yet? MP&tHG is the ultimate test of how white you really are....
"I've had worse..."
"Your bloody arm is cut off!"
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