June 7, 2007

Boy, Them Pennsylvanians Sure Do Like Them Some Football...

Normally I don't post individual stories about college football. Not because I have anything against it. I just try and keep this blog strictly professional (in every sense...get the pun? yeah...).

But when I read this story on Blue & White Illustrated this afternoon I had to share it for the shear fact that it reminded me that I love being from PA.

It was announced this afternoon that student tickets for the upcoming season of Penn State football sold out in a record 59 minutes! Now, that might be a school record, but I gotta think it's also close to an NCAA record, if not NCAA record setting.

Further proof that:
A. PA is the greatest state in the union for football
B. Beaver Stadium is one of the greatest sports venues in the world
C. There's nothing else to do on a Saturday in the middle of nowhere PA

All this said, think about how much it's going to suck for the PSU football team on Sundays (if you don't get it, click the link, and while you're at it - get your head out of your ass).



Black n Gold said...

Wow, that's crazy that you did that ESPN writeup. It's extremely ironic because I stumbled upon that SportsNation topic at the time and read it. Then I stumbled upon the blog thru Blog and Gold on the PG website. It's crazy that I read that and enjoyed it at the time and now we communicate almost regularly.

Cotter said...

Yeah I get around. The internet is like a really big small town...if you catch my drift.

Definitely ironic! Glad you liked it then and are continuing to like my stuff now!

Anonymous said...

Herbstreit says that PSU has the best student section in the country...and he's a Buckeye.